Manipal law Bangalore or Alliance law?
Which scene do you think is *overhated*?
What scene made you laugh out loud in the whole franchise?
Is NMIMS (law)Bangalore any good? (As someone who lives in Bangalore)
(NSFW?) What is the best way to keep a body from decomposing w or w/out chemicals?
My ink drawing, “Crassus” was accepted into an art exhibit in Italy!
[DISC] Chainsaw Man - Chapter 196
Coco, but in the sadf uniform
How would you want to die?
I want this guy to be one of the most tragic things in the franchise.
Has anyone else here been treated differently by a "white" person once the "white" person found out/were told that you have South Asian ancestry?
Has anyone else here been treated differently by a "white" person once the "white" person found out/were told that you are part Asian ancestrally?
Mouthwashing fanarts be like
Fav bendy song (fanmade or not) that isn’t build our machine?
the downfall of pinterest
Are you excited for rebirth and d Rex?
My Reading Copy
Mrs Fantastic (by @loudwindow on twitter) Fanart cuz ever since i saw her on this sub ive been braniac bouncin it to her 💔
Comic of some Deinonychus being silly (warning: gore depicted in the next slide)
(Favourite trope) it’s the final battle, EVERYONE is pulling up.
how can Denji make it up to Asa?
Sadf coco base colours :3
Thank god denji isn’t a creep.
“We interrupt this non-musical to give you a lengthy, fully choreographed song-and-dance sequence.”
A small portion of the prehistoric stuffed animals I’ve made
i found out that beep exists soooo