How are components parented? Newbie C++ question.
Moley - The world's first fully robotic kitchen.
Missing modules when auto-loading last project
Request to devs: Allow the winning battleground duos team to duel each other at the end
COMP 6421 - Compiler Design
Getting started with Rider. How to fix links to official documentation?
UnrealEditor doesn't quit on Mac. Need to force quit.
is COMP 445 a good elective for SOEN?
What was the first movie that you saw in theater that caused a childhood trauma?
DOOM on a Blockchain
Hydra Doom
I took my daughter's screens away for a week and she ended up drawing this. She insisted I post it for the world to see. She calls it "Goofy Face". Please give her upvotes, it will make her day (and maybe reduce her desire for screens!)
You guys think it’s mentally discouraging to try a previous exam the day before the actual exam?
Hulk Hogan Choking Out Richard Belzer In Front Of A Live Audience, Resulting In A Bloody Head Wound And A Lawsuit (1985)
Who is Nadia Lafrenière
Working on finishing my game demo for my Bachelor's project.
How bad would this course load be?
I miss fighting demons in Hell!
People that wake up at around 4 or 5 A.M, why?
MEGATHREAD: Winter 2022 Class Discussions and Group Chat Links
Best Cardano ecosystem projects
COMP 353 OR 432 ?
Giant PDFs exported from notes
Tired and brain fog at 3 weeks
ENCS 282 for compsci