Been working on my own indie MMORPG for 9 years. Playtest just went live on Steam. Everything is breaking! AMA
CGB Update and Pickups
Looking for help getting better
90% of my PVP kills are Hunter/Warlock. I want to get good with Titan. Looking for loyal Titan mains to give me 6s and 3s exotic armor+loadout.
As a PvE player, how do I get good?
Any viable Titan Rat King builds for PVP?
Titan builds
Weekly RANT Megathread - All complaining posts belong in this thread
M&K Weapon help
Good newer handcannons for crucible/PvP?
Results from "Tutorial-Style" Mobile Game Ads?
How do i counter storms keep titans?
Favorite Exotic for storm keep titan?
Be nice to the new trial players.
Can we pin Crucible Intel app somewhere visible on the subreddit?
Joined a beginner camp to try combating my depression. I suck so bad it’s embarrasing. Should I continue my plans to quit?
I'm new to volleyball, any tips/things i should know?
Tex Mechanica armor question
Xp bounty dumping, best strategy?
What can I do when I’m even/slightly ahead in my lane but all of the others are losing?
How do I become better at this game?
With the Verity Brow buffs it would be deeply upsetting if there is no ornament on Tuesday
Are the new aspects going to be on prismatic?
Most Skill-Expressive/Rewarding MMO
Any good scout rifles or bows from a dungeon?