Chappell Roan Accidentally Battled a Pakistani Man on Tiktok
That one mark variant
It looks like six is standing behind the logo, anyone else notice this?
Hey boys, would you prefer a carrier orientated wife who demands you share the house work 50-50 or a wife whose focus is cooking and cleaning and is a traditional woman?
I pegged my bf
People on Earth seeing taxes double because Mark destroyed Pentagon for 14th time (his pillow was warm)
Its remarkable how similar they are
I always wanted to play a horror game set in Pakistan so I'm making one!
I wanna commit suicide to ruin some peoples life
Crazed woman attacks two men while calling for a jihad and pledging allegiance to Hamas
This might not be an original thought...
you shall not pass
Is smoking really cool?
Have you heard about the American woman who went to Pakistan?
An American woman went to Pakistan for marriage but was rejected and is now refusing to leave and demanding $2,000 a week and land from the Pakistani government
Girls does this work?
Has this happened to anyone else?? (final boss glitch)
American wkman Onya Andrew spotted smoking on a road in Karachi
What lies have you guys been told as a kid? 😂
Who is this lady? What’s going on? (It popped up on my feed, but I’m both confused yet intrigued).
I almost fainted seeing my highly distorted reflection in the door
Sarim, A seven year old boy who was found dead in a water tank After missing in karachi.
I feel like this is become less true for us boys and we need to make sure it stays the case
Same sex couple legally adopt their son in Israel 🏳️🌈❤️
Is there a problem having Christian name in Pakistan?