The hardest part of the game: character creation.
Which classes can lose access to their power?
In your opinion, which class currently has the best balance of fun and power; not too boring/complicated, not too under/overpowered?
Are you okay?
What are your best monk/unarmed/fist weapon build ideas?
Does Zelda being trapped ever break your immersion in the exploration? Do you ever feel like you should be saving her instead of completing another shrine you don't need?
Post-game mods for BotW or TotK?
New vegan drive thru in Portland
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
What stories would you only recomend to those who are well versed in fantasy?
If you could rename/reflavor any specs, what would they be and why?
My Design for Pandora
Can you name another restaurant that would give you unlimited drinks, bottomless chips and salsa, and a Big Smasher with fries for $10.99???
Roleplayers, in what ways do you break or ironically comply with the stereotypes of the races you play?
What’s the funniest episode of all time?
How would you re-write WoW's Expansions in terms of Sagas?
What would you like to see more of in TWoW?
Is there anything you miss from retail?
The Forsaken and the lingering effects of Undeath and Domination
Is it considered impolite to try and host a solo server of someone else's custom client?
Why do you still play Turtle WoW?
"Tree People" by me.
Allods online, one of the bests wow clones ever.
What made you choose your faction?