Equity solar reviews-home depot salesman
How can I improve my look?
Gambia on draft list of countries recommended for US travel restrictions
When the patient says no one has flushed their IV in days despite all the charting saying ‘flushes easily’…
What’s the most out there thing you’ve seen on a patient’s allergy list?
How do you get your partner to understand that they can’t simply drop by your work?
I feel bad telling others not to do nursing, but it needs to be said
Is being an American really as good as people say it is?
Driving to work it’s 50 miles. My oil level light check oil level just came on if I stop I would be significantly late for work. Next oil change is in 20,000 miles guys will I survive this.
Neck facelift cost and dr recommendations in Florida PLEASE
Selling our house and the only negative feedback is the kitchen :(
Leashing my kid
I was dumb. Can't believe i did this
Alright this one is a big one. Regrets.
What is everyone cooking for dinner today or this week?
Gambia holiday ideas
Hi, despite all the real world issues, I vainly want a lower facelift/necklift. Any recommendations for Florida Docs?
Most overrated city that other people love?
What supplies do you “borrow” from your hospital for home use?
Any experience with pure plastic surgery in Miami, FL face lift or lower face lift/neck lift w/ brow lift?
Need newborn same day passport no birth certificate USA.
Feeling very down and ready to give up
Who here makes 6 figures a year or more?
Am I weak
Husband wants a career. He’s really clever but not booksmart (ESL) should he go to trade school? Florida based.