How Will David Productions Handle This Scene?
Jorgio Jozero and [PYTHAGOREAN TALE]
My headcanon is this is called Deep Purple
Joey Joducere and [PEACE TRAIN]
An observation of the theme of the JoJoLANDS
Bocelli Sinatra and [TIME TO SAY GOODBYE]
“Killer Cat Size has no weaknesses”
Paco and Usagi against Ningo’s stand by me
Who would win in a game of Yu-GI-Oh!?
Wat was your favorite Ted Mosby moment?
most underrated stand?
To settle the debate of conflicting number ones, whoever comments first out of the people listed as conflicting with there reasonings gets it! (+updated list at the end in the last 4 images)
Sorry guys, my cat demanded she must be the number #1 Wild Cat Size fan so I guess that makes me their no. 1 fan too lol
What kind of predictions do y’all have for Ningbo stand?
Just a small observation
Now that Steel Ball Run has a better chance than ever for anime announcement, what do you think the ED song will be?
JOJOlands Stands Explained With Memes
Jovi von Joestar and [TEA FOR THE TILLERMAN]
SBRverse Stands by me
Fan art of my GOATS, hyped to see them beat up a child next chapter
[FREEZING STEEL] and Jzero Monad
Shining Sarcophagus, FINALLY???? (please Konami)
Drew My 2 GOATS
Gimme your best goute or poem.