Can't buy DLC on Steam
If Gael didn't exist, who would be considered the best boss?
Quick tip for Commander Niall
Can't change lighting color on SickleFlow ARGB fan anymore
Grat not selling Boots of Aid and Comfort
Honour Mode Crash - Save File Gone
Morally Neutral Monk Durge?
Mu character switches to build mode without me doing anything
Rate how good the tier list is (no dlcs)
PC shuts down whenever an internal HDD or SSD is plugged in.
What do people think of the Slave Knight Gael fight?
Master of Aurai achievement bug
Conjure sucks
Soroborean Caravaneer not spawning in New Sirocco
Advice for a new build - karate/chi master
experiencing severe FPS drops in certain lobbies
random high ping lobbies on NA servers (bug)
The way ranked buddies work is a bit frustrating
There should be more skin slots in the store
Apex Pro TKL RGB lighting started working again for a couple of hours
How does Ruin+Pentimento/Undying work?
Can you turn off the "profanity filter"?
Why are Joy-Cons so expensive?
Thoughts on Tinkaton?
Average dwight main