Which games fit this description?
Rocket Mains are the Spidermans of the Support Role
Tier List of what Dark Souls bosses I think could be brought back in Nightreign! Note that I'm trying to see who's memorable and/or mechanically suitable for the co-op experience, so some of these placements might be weird to you.
What's your favorite letter?
[Discussion] What game are you currently working on?
bowling ball or marble?
Help I’m kinda lost..
Iron Man isn’t bad..
Question about the rate at I gain elo in comp..
King of the dead trophy
Your last saved image defeated Kratos! What is it?
Is there any way to get emotes on their own?
Who are your 6 go-to characters and why?
What are the odds that you’re the only good player on all these losing teams?
I dont feel like I belong in Diamond
Someone who’s good at PCR, how are you supposed to dodge this pontiff combo at point blank?
I need a guide to the platinum
making miyazaki 1% more transparent every day untill the game releases
Need souls like
Where my Demon Souls fans at?
Viral note I left annoys the shit out of me
Any videogames like the last of us tv show?
It was me, I apologize.
Can’t get into Ds2, Ds1, or DeS