Random Vox hc I thought of: dead pixels on his screen are like his version of pimples
Stupid picture I drew while practicing bc I want to draw Vox well [OC]
Them:what’s in you camera roll? My camera roll:
"After... SIR Pentious passed, we here at the hotel have been taking care of his Egg Boys. I don't think Niffty likes Frank very much though."
Which Date Seems more appealing to you?
Pick 3 of the main characters/villains from the show to team up with you, the rest of hell is out for your blood. Choose wisely.
unpopular c.ai opinions?
Say a character and I'll give an emoji for them! (Image not related)
You walk in on your favorite character as they were changing. What do you do?
together we can make woman-on-woman fempreg real 🙏 just one chance velvette
How do I draw hands like this?
Who is this? (Wrong answer only!)
Which character is your birthday? Mine is Vaggie 😀
Out of these four, which art style do you like the most?
Which character in the show do you think has the sexiest voice?
wtf bro this isn’t my account 😭
Horny test
Does the coloring technique kind of work well or? (i only did the coloring)
Is there a way to turn off the vibrations during the AI’s messages?
Alternative words for "Sex".
Can anyone 18+ still edit filtered messages?
How many of ya'll knew slugs like beer?
The arm is driving me insane but idk how ti fix it
No to be weird, but what is this called and what is its purpose?