What chapter is your vanguard from?
Racing Indident or Penalty Worthy
Why do people hate iron covers so much? People wrap their cars, protect their phone? Why iron covers?
One set of irons for sim and one for outdoors
Love that Eve held her own for a bit in the fight
what the heck is this
I did not expect this change but I love it
Invincible [COMIC SPOILERS Discussion] - S03E08 - I Thought You'd Never Shut Up
Invincible [Episode Discussion] - S03E08 - I Thought You'd Never Shut Up
Quick shout out to the heroes who have fallen during the war that aren’t as welll known as the main cast
Wish they added the panel on right but his death hits hard regardless
New look at some of the evil Invincible variants for 3X07 as well as other characters from the comics that are also shown and even fighting some of the variants
Have polos gotten too expensive?
Hardest and/or longest Par 3 you’ve ever played
I love this reference 😂
Now I'm not saying Kayvan Novack would make a perfect live action Gale but...
How much stronger can a viltrumite get with training?
[Other] Game Length-Plat Difficulty, Day 7 - What is a long game with an easy platinum? [Results of Day 6 and Rules in comments]
I am so sick of making accounts on things, just let me unlock them in game.
Errant helmet event is being buggy
If they end up doing this I think Mark would actually end Cecil
Robert Kirkman says that new seasons of ‘INVINCIBLE’ are expected to be released annually
Good to know Duplikate sucks in the show just as much as she did in the comic
Invincible’s strength compared to Omni man (season 3)
What is the best steering wheel and pedal to play F1 games, and that are not very expensive?