What’s the most unusual attire you’ve seen worn to a wedding/christening/funeral and was there a story behind it?
What happened that made you realize that your teacher was actually really dumb?
AITA for not attending my friends birthday?
AITA for calling my MIL a bully in front of her friends?
AITA for refusing to talk to my biological father?
Which obsolete thing you miss the most?
If you could convince any 2 bands/solo artists to collaborate on a song, who would you choose?
What is something weird about Europe that Europeans don’t realize is weird?
No picky eaters : what's your never ever again food item/recipe?
What is the greatest movie of ALL TIME?
Employers of Reddit, what was the one thing that a new employee did that made you wonder how they made it through the interview(s)?
What do you find underrated?
What do people think/feel about the Eurovision Song Contest?
What do you class a a bad cup of tea?
What was the weirdest thing you ended up watching on YouTube that was far way from what you went on YouTube to watch originally?
Favorite game glitches?
What is the dumbest shit that you’ve seen?
What is the most annoying sound in the world?
What's your favourite book?
Non-US Citizens, would you move to the US? Why or Why not?
Anyone else experiencing this? It’s only been like that since I updated to iOS 15.5 Developer Beta 4 and watchOS 8.6 Developer Beta 4 yesterday. Just curious to know how many people have this? I know it’s not a problem, it’s just a bug.
Reddit what’s your best response to “you’ll never have the same iq and skill as me”?
whats a game uve played where grinding is actually fun
gamers of reddit, what do non-gamers say to you that makes your blood boil?