Me whenever I see someone saying 'Jp was never about accuracy'(I know full well it isn't that deep but it still bothers me immensely.)
Who would win in this battle?
What if MoistCritikal was in Westeros?
When you have unpopular opinions..
22 years ago today, Rachel Corrie was crushed to death in Rafah by an Israeli bulldozer while protesting to save a Palestinian home from demolition.
Rewatching old Family Guy and it's weird to remember that the show had story arcs like Peter's fisherman phase
If the films said their titles
Bro thinks invented chess
Normalize eating unidentifiable nutrient blocks!
Rohirrim Women are built different
During the rise of hitler was there active resistance against hitler ?
Unironically - Intellectualism is culled, everyone works hard manual labour for the state // Payment is just enough to keep one alive! // To cull inequality, everyone shall be enslaved, they cry!
'The "Horrors" of Bolshevism' — British postcard (ca. 1919) published by the Workers' Socialist Federation.
What's with the juxtaposition of crack cocaine and powdered cocaine?
Why are sci-fi movies so obsessed with using the most advanced weapons to fight the most primitive warfare?
The Business Plot, also called the Wall Street Putsch and the White House Putsch, was a political conspiracy in 1933, in the United States, to overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and install Smedley Butler as dictator.
HLS Passed Divestment Referendum
This old student's blazer
Has anyone else’s always thought Cap was the one who was in the right?
Change your mind
Why didn’t Jaime seem to care all that much for Joffrey, knowing it’s his son? Or any of his other kids?
What was the point of Nolan adding this it’s such a cop out
Explain Trigonometry without making me wanna rip my hair out.
This single lane with pedestrian island is a deathtrap.
Nathan Fillion confirms Guy Gardner is "a jerk" in 'SUPERMAN.'
Is this issue going to kill the 2026 movie?