Paper tiger was a better set than drop dead years.
What's the name of this Dark Synthwave Band? (Superman II - 1980)
Montreal airport on Potain MD560
This dude is incredibly skilled at playing complicated Megadeth solos on a child's instrument! 🤯
The Gunslinger first edition.
Swing voter.
If you know…
Who we picking?
I’ve never had a celebrity lookalike; hit me!
Who would you say is the most attractive girl from the Craig era?
Questions for Gen X and Millennials, how did feel encountering YouTube when it was released?
There can only be one.
What is your top three favorite Samuel L Jackson performances?
They all invited you over for a holiday dinner. Who's house you choosing?
Uncle Buck. Still love this movie John Candy is a legend.
Anyone else get their introduction into mainstream music during the 80’s through Weird Al Yankovic?
Who needs a skin barrier anyway
Just started welding, is it decent? 7018 stick welding
What line from a classic rock song would you put on your gravestone?
What are your favorite movies with Sam Neill?
Let's be real
Who would it be?
One of Lester B Pearson's campaign promises was that he would finish the Transcanada Highway right across the Island. *We'll Finish the Drive in '65* 🛣
Damn right I'm judging you for this. Who you got?