I could get a letter from my Doctor
Anyone else have Dissociative Identity Disorder?
OOF Madonne! He looks terrible!
Think Mark, what will you have after 500 years in the can?
What's your relationship with horror movies/series/books?
This sub when people make political jokes about a show that’s essentially a 6 season thesis on American politics, society and culture.
I’m a made guy!
Carmela can you please hold the dooooooor!!!
I feel like I came in at the end...the best is ovah.
Chrissy, he's fucked up
Did anybody else get a diagnosis later in life that explained all the poor treatment you received?
Does anyone else have no memory of their parents waking them up gently?
I think I'll upvote a shitpost. Make us a couple of shitposts.
Do you talk to your brother who treated you like shit growing up?
The fucks, different about u two.
Previous instances in which I professed to like you, were fraudulent
More literal Sopranos
What do you think I am, one of your fucking cum posters?!
20 “years” in da “can”
So what? No fucking ziti
"Can I talk to you?"
Alright, but you gotta get over it
I use three little living jars summon because they're cute 🍯
I'm gonna go lick an asshole, lick an asshole
I want to sanction a hit on the fuck you doin posts