Subclasses in DND Beyond
Sterling climbs above $1.30 for first time since November
How Many Campaigns are You Currently Playing?
WWYB based on these images? (Art is by @ Midnightyz98)
WSYB - Sleep Tok3n
I love dnd, I play it a lot, but...
Despite being an exploration focused subclass, cartographer doesn’t have features that aid with exploration
How do I nudge my DM into asking for Athletics instead of a raw Strength check?
Why are the para’s different?
Players what's your ideal sidequest length?
Opinion: Status conditions are what they do, not what they're called
Millie Bobby Brown Urges Fans to 'Be Patient' for Final Season of “Stranger Things”: 'It Is Worth It, I Promise'
Updated Eleeps logo in black and white version.
What are some alternatives to “you meet in a tavern”
Can a Hexblade Warlock use Charisma for attack rolls with a greatsword (2014 rules)?
Favorite D&D YouTubers, and why
'Parents hide children when they see my XL bully'
China sets up "planetary defense" unit over 2032 asteroid threat
Myrandor Vale v2, w/v1 included for comparison | Lore included | Inkarnate
This is an actual screenshot for Sid Meier's Civilization® VII - VR on the Meta store right now....
Looking for Feedback
Any new ideas for rogue class?
I hate these feats (rant)
What is your D&D hot take?