Is it just me, or is anyone else starting to think that... maybe this ISN'T our year after all???
What are we doing?!?!? the draft?
Affordable online coach?
bobbi when she was getting that bbc 🤰🏼😩
How’s everyone working out in their 40s? Because, spoiler: my goals have done a total 180
Maltese Falcon - Spade’s motivation?
Anal sex - how important is it for men?
I (M43) went out with my girlfriend (F42) the other night and got drunk. Later in the night, I went looking for her and found her passionately making out with a girl in a back room. How do I get over it?
Divorce + Support = Financial Ruin
Things to say before sex to instantly ruin the mood.
This is our owner.
What did people in the late 70s / 80s think about the hippie movement? Was it taught in schools?
Which very specific places on Earth could stake a claim to being among the most significant in human history?
I am 6’ 4”. How far back in history must I go to confidently say I am the tallest person alive?
I feel so stupid
this is absolutely embarrassing ..
bask in the mess you’ve made jerry
When should I flat serve?
Babolat Pure Aero 2023 Or Rafa?
Time for Mike to take a Hike?
Heather Graham
Do you prefer a full bush or shaven pussy?
How does McCarthy have a job?
Penelope Cruz