Warp power < big piece of metal
No way I accidentally left a Havoc by dodging
I did it! 1500 Reaper Kills - How many of you have this?
We seriously need a "I Need Help" option on the Com Wheel
Friendly Sniper
Help out a struggling psyker, siblings? For the beloved, pretty please?
I feel like I'm lost
What's yall's favorite ring combo?
Is there any utility that your teammates often bring that you absolutely despise, despite it being totally viable?
To the people who scour around the map opening chest and DON'T loot them: Why?
Just ran into my First troll.
Best turn your brain off games are there any?
I beat Dark Souls, my first FromSoft game, for the first time this evening. Here's how many times I died for each boss.
Smough Concept Art
Which boss have you never fought or beaten properly?
Why don't we have the option to mark explosive barrels, loot chests or that medpack we dropped on the ground?
Favorite dark souls quote?
WW2: Question about the Maginot Line
Question about the Maginot Line
[PSA] Munitorum's Favour for Idiots
No Damage?
Crooks and Liars in the Depths
Best level ranges for summons/invasions Dark Souls Remastered