One of the worst takes I’ve ever seen on the EU
In celebration of the recent release of Reign of the Empire, the Mask of Fear, I’d like to formally invite anyone present to voice their thoughts on the founding triumvirate of the Rebel Alliance.
How can the Battle of Toprawa be considered the Rebel Alliance's first victory when the battles of Fresia and Turkana in 1 BBY were also decisive wins for the Alliance?
Who are the three Rebel pilots congratulating Luke after the Death Star's destruction? Were they in the battle? I thought only Wedge Antilles and Keyan Farlander survived, so who are these three?
Does anyone know the name of this Rebel pilot in the background of the briefing scene on Yavin?
Why did human planets like Chandrila, Corellia, and Alderaan form the backbone of the Rebel Alliance when it was aliens who suffered the most under the Empire?
Which version of the Rebel Alliance's formation and the theft of the Death Star plans do you prefer?
What is your favorite starliner/commuter ship?
Why do people who claim Andor doesn't feel like Star Wars due to the lack of aliens overlook all the ways it does, like its 70s-style retrofuturistic tech and ships?
How can one man have this much drip?
My ideas for an Interplanetary StarBus.
What would Luke Skywalker think of Cassian Andor and vice-versa?
Is Tony Gilroy becoming too prideful? Thoughts on this take on Star Wars Leaks?
I always thought the Twi’leks were meant to be the "space French," but now it seems like that role has shifted to the Ghormans??
Anyone feel bad for the Colonel who died trying to protect the kid?
Tony Gilroy Looks Back on Taking Shit Seriously in Andor
Can someone point out when Jyn appears in the season 2 trailer?
Will we finally see a Bothan?
Which of these Rebel Alliance leaders do you think we’ll see in season 2?
Every Rebel Faction We'll See in Andor Season 2
FIRST LOOK from the set of The Mandalorian and Grogu film featuring BDX Droids built by Walt Disney Imagineering
Are twi'leks French
This is probably Roken and the Path finally joining the Rebel Alliance.
Of course Gigachad stands with the Empire and not with Rebel scum.
I’m kinda disappointed that the Ghorman Massacre was changed from Tarkin’s ship landing on protestors