Guys What GATE rank is needed for CSE at IIT Bombay, Delhi, and Madras for a General category student?
Do girls genuinely prefer guys with a rebellious attitude, or is that just a stereotype?
I’m Done Chasing, Time to Focus
I’m Done Chasing, it's Time to Focus
In Your Experience, How Big of a Factor Is Confidence in Dating? Or Is It Overhyped?
how much does confidence impact attraction? Can it make someone more appealing, or are other traits more important?
How can someone considered 'ugly' turn the tables and make people genuinely attracted to them?
She Talks to Me… But Only When She Needs Something
Is it possible to escape the 'friend zone,' or is it a permanent label? If so, what changes the dynamic from friendship to romance?
Write a msg for your crush...
My crush rejected me
Liked Her for Years, but Was I Ever Even in the Picture?
I’ve Been Crushing on Her for Years, but She’s Blushing for Someone Else,What Do I Do?
Question for men: would you date women who drive better cars than you?
Crushing on Her for Years, but She’s Blushing for Someone Els
What’s the wildest thing you’ve ever done because of a crush?
Women, what’s something a guy did that suddenly made him way more attractive to you?
Ladies, what’s something surprisingly attractive a guy can do ?
MY CRUSH LIKES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Being a Scorpio, I tend to get very sincere and passionate, but I’m worried it’ll make me seem clingy. How can I avoid this and show interest the right way?
Why is the back of my iPad Air M2 (near the front camera) heating up?
Just got my first iPad