LF: Shiny ENG pogo offers
FT: Go Stamped stuff. LF: Read Description
LF shiny pogo legends, custom OT mesprit, uxie. Accepting offers
🎊Giveaway🎊 Tag is 🇩🇪
LF: Shiny ENG pogo simisage
LF shiny spiritomb/shuckle/koffing/slakoth/trapinch
LF - Custom OT shiny Pokémon missing from tracker (In description). FT - Shiny Genesect from research (in pokeball), Shiny male XXS Fuecoco and legit shinies. I will trade any number of mons.
Ft: Custom OT PoGo shinies LF: Shinies w/ Rare Mark; Shiny w/ Personality Marks; Shiny Alphas; For LVL 1 Sneasel looking for serious offers
(PLEASE READ DESC) ft: pics, lf: any shinies if I don’t hate or have the Pokemon already (so really anything)
FT: Shiny Pogo and Shiny Pogo Legends, Shalphas. LF: In Go Shinies for Custom OT, see tracker :)
Lf:Shiny zacian/zamazenta ft:
FT: pics LF: Offers
Looking For Shiny Pokemon Go mons ONLY: Scatterbug line -- charcadet line -- incarnate Unova Thundurus - Kanto korean research birds -- rare level 1s -- Premier ball mons (not legends) // For Trade: All Go stamped and in go for Custom OT)
LF: Language Swap to GER Names/Region
LF: Shiny Pogo Legends or Offers
LF: Shiny Omastar, Shiny Kabuto, Shiny Kabutops LF: Pics
LF:normal diancie and shiny arceus deoxys shaymin phione manaphy mew darkrai meltan preferably legit FT: PIC and more shiny legendaries pls ask for what you want
Ft: Custom OT shinies. LF: Shinies w/ Personality Marks ; Shiny Alphas / Shiny Offers
Lf Offers
LF Volcanion, will trade any of these mythicals (I'll transfer the ones from pogo to home if anyone wants them)
here are what I'm trading, read description
Loooking for level one pogo stamp
LF: Shiny POGO legendaries, shiny legit Totodile, offers FT: Pictured (see comment)