Moe is the 2nd worst brawler in the game.
Why was Cordelious never picked in the monthly finals?
Every brawlers Hypercharge rate
What’s a Brawler you like to play as, but also hate going up against?
EMEA MFs Most Used/Banned Brawlers + Total Stats (EA + EMEA)
Who is the best Bea counter?
Maxing a brawler just to watch them get nerfed the next update
How good is Meeple?
Who is that one brawler whose obnoxious gadget is more memorable than their entire kit?
Rank 49 randoms
My god stop picking throwers in hockey
How did Berry sneak under the radar?
I’m not even mad because I know I’m playing the most toxic brawler ever.
Who is the best to invest to p11 for Rank
What are you even supposed to do against Lou?
Juju’s Hypercharge | Voodoo Doll 📍
Why is Spike never picked in competitive?
R-T is the only chromatic brawler without a hyper charge yet
Who will you roll for in 1.7? Vivian or Hugo?
Hank's hyper is the most braindead hypercharge of all time
Who's better to invest in? Frank or Hank?
Is Ollie the best tank in the current meta?
Does anyone else feel Rotten Banana is really strong?
Hank's hyperchage
Looks like Buster's HC stat boosts got changed