Just doing my part.. | Bring back chests you animals
Заплата на специалист по Киберсигурност в армията
tell me ur favorite emoji and i will tell you what it says about you
The way these sheets are folded
truly a paradox of all times
Can you guess where I'm from, based on how I drew the map of world from memory?
Flag for Lesbian Catholics
How do you draw 4?
What comedy movie is a 10/10?
Tell me what pet you have and I'll rate your rizz
What age did you learn about porn?
How do you feel about breast surgery?
Was just told to kill myself because I’m a man with a “feminine name”
Are right wing voters worse people?
15F here, what are guys and girls looking for in a girlfriend?
S/O asked me to post this, I dont know if its something this sub cares to see - "What its like"
Remember people, don't spread hate
How can israel justify this?
Write: I'm A - And let your keyboard finish and expose you
Fuck zodiac signs, what is the best joker?
Boutta start a world war!11!!!
Guess where I'm from based on my advise on what to do if you visit the various countries of europe based on stereotypes (i've been in only 2 of them)
Why 90% of top posts are talking about sex?