TIL you can get rid of moonshine checkpoints
[PS4] H excavator jet pack W offers
[PS4] H: Me turning 20 in approximately 1hr W: Your birthday wishes bc I love this community
[PS4] H: Pics W: Offers
[ps4] H:stuff W: apparel, uny/strength/any marine la, ra, uny/any/wwr combat la, ll
[ps4] H: forest scout mask W: urban scout mask 1:1
[ps4] H: usa mask W: offers
[ps4] H: usa mask i just found in a vendor W: offers
Rare Apparel items I would never scrap or put in my vendor
[ps4] H: offers W: groll tesla rifles
Glowing Masks / Rare masks
[PS4] H: 5 Masks ! (2glowing) W: Offers !
[ps4] H: offers W: uny/1s/any marine LA, RA
[ps4] H: Uny/int/wwr fsa LA, Uny/ap/fdc usa RA W: offers
[ps4] H: glowing pig, gsbq (and more) W: glowing unicorn i’m not open to offers, you will be ignored
[ps4] H: Pic + Aligned flamer barrel mod W: Fas mask offers
[PS4] H: glowing scorch beast and glowing turkey W: bffr or AAffr gat plasma or bffr or AAffr plasma rifle
[Ps4] H: 2x Glowing blue devil mask & can also build butter churn in your base W:Bloodied gauss rifle with other good legendarys also open to other offers on guns that compliment a bloodied rifleman
[Ps4] H: glowing unicorn mask W: best rare apparel offer
[ps4] H: glowing scorchbeast mask W: offers