You guys ever use a crazy lock on something you don’t really care about?
I feel like there would be a safer way of doing this...
For every hour you DONT use any personal device, you will receive $50. However, for every hour you USE any personal device, you lose $75. More info below…
My latest poster, feel free to use.
Pizza is sold by diameter to make the smaller sizes more profitable.
Is this a white belt?
Body Lines Retain Water
"Progressive Pinning" the Kwikset Smart Key
Photos showing progression of this handmade custom pick from start to finish. 0.019" HY stainless steel, partial tang. Polished acrylic handle with brass tube pins ☝🏻😎
Fun Fact: if you don’t like the spring loaded shackle on the 90A-Pro you can remove it easily from under the shackle.
First custom pick! CI short for scale
What did my mom get done at the gas station?
Opening handcuffs with tension wrench
Anyone open a Paclock 90 without turning?
Deadly trailer hitch
Swingaway Hitch?
does everyone look at their toddler and think they hit the lottery?
Does anyone know what kind of key this old eagle lock would have used or how i should go about picking it? I cannot locate any pins with my pick so any advice is helpful
They finally got those dogs that were ruining theirlife to stop barking
I finally got those dogs that were ruining my life to stop barking
What in the unsupervised apprentice am I looking at?
What runs traffic signals at an intersection? Here’s a behind the scenes look!
American 1200 Noob question
“Why would you drive to pick up a box of old, beat up locks?”
So I’ve screwed up… i just need to know how bad.
Why does some people wear their watch in the inside of their wrist?
I’ve been to all 48 contiguous states. Here’s my opinion.