Lackluster loot in expert Court of blades
Next Barrow Dyad quest found!
(Berserk) Skull Knight inspired Hunter
Some Positivity Regarding Destiny 2 player population
AIO for saying…okay?
SGA - Barrow Dyad / Peacekeepers is crazy DPS
Vessel From Sleep Token
"Hunters have won Guardian Games 2025"
Next week's skins are black panther and iron man
Crucible Meta Snapshot 3.13.2025
What is the rarest / coolest thing you own in Destiny 2?
My eyes been twitching non stop like this for 2 years
Who is this(Wrong answer's only)
Stat priority
Did someone make a vid on Tommy’s?
This single thin white hair that grows on the side of my stomach since I was little
Are there people that enjoy chalice dungeons?
Shotguns and power creep
What was your favourite Destiny 2 SEASON and why?
Vent after loss streak
What's the "strangest" thing you've gotten flamed for in ARAM?
How do I get 185g of protein in one day?
Anyone just eat whatever they want, workout and still see aesthetic results?
There is but one truth that matters: strength, above all. Let the Reckonings begin.
First time protein powder user, gagging while drinking pescience blend