Ethan's crazy arm makes an appearance
Transition periods thru the Subathon.
O-LIV <3333
Adam’s latest IG story
"I think Reddit is just waiting for me to k*** myself." Ethan Klein pursues criminal action against fraudulent CPS call originating from H3 Snark subredditors, calling for Reddit to shut down online communities responsible for harassment.
Pediatric nurse of almost a decade shares her thoughts on the CPS report
Denims' chat a week ago saying someone should call CPS on Ethan
uhhh BASED???
Denims defends wasting CPS resources with false reports, because children “aren’t forming memories”
all of this is just so fucked.
Ethan vs Reddit CONDENSED - Please share with creators, reporters, etc to raise awareness for the harassment campaign against the Kleins & the crew. [YouTube link in the comments]
I made an E***n K***n tiktok edit
Can we as a community start reaching out to reputable news media?
Rough edit of today's discussion for those who want to clip and share. It's 4am so I'll work on a shorter version/clips and post tomorrow <3 keep fighting fam this is important
report r/h3h3_productions for harassment
Ethan, Hila, and the whole crew inspire me.
DISCUSSION MEGATHREAD: Snark Called Child Protective Services On Us - H3 Show #119
Anisas story hmmmm
Froggytonic looks exactly as you would expect a Hasan fan
This just showed up on my tumblr lmfao
Zach is one sweet funny lovable just overall cool ass human I can’t tell you the times Zach caught me off guard & just made me burst out laughing btw fuck the snarkers they can gargle on deez nuts long time if anyone deserves the title cunt it’s them also every day is Zach day for me💜💜
Idubbbz’s Newest Twitter Post During Today’s Stream
I genuinely think Hasan is dangerous.