I really can’t stand when people say sm naruto>Pain. People underrate’s pain so much
Who wins
Where does luffy consistently scale to? Most people ive talked to say multi continental and then some say island level
Off-Brand Fused momoshiki
For the Jiraiya fans who unironically scale him based on the belief that Itachi was being completely honest here, Do you actually believe that Jiraiya would tie with Itachi and Kisame PLUS more Akatsuki as backup without even using Frog Song?
Who wins ?
Who wins 1 vs 1 ? Could Minato get close to Pain?
What is considered old gen anime? Is it like from the 1970s to early 2000s
Nah 💀
What's the biggest DB plot hole?
Naruto (32yr Old) vs Prime Hashirama (Non Edo)
If you had to pick just one Naruto arc, which one would you choose?
Thoughts on the charity match?
How strong is Gojo compared to the Naruto verse?
Madara drawing
Sogeking drawing
Who wins?
Db planet size & OG dragon ball master roshi scaling
When was the earliest foreshadowing of Kaguya?
Could Tsunade survive Jupiter?
End of Shippuden Naruto VS Raditz. Who win and what diff?
Naruto and Sasuke vs Raditz
BORUTO and FMA just got BANNED from school libraries in Tennesse for being "Too Dark for kids"