Most underrated song by Olivia?
Oh hey. The Twilight video hit 10M views. :)
What Taylor song SOUNDS LOVING but has FURIOUS LYRICS?
Am I the only one who really enjoyed the 2024 remake
Anyone else have something hyperspecific they think would be cool to see in s5
Rewatching this for the millionth time hoping their ending will change
The song sounds loving but the lyrics are sad
What’s the saddest episode in your Opinion
If you could watch one movie for the first time again, which one would it be?
Tedna: A Love Story Stranger Than Things
Which book was this 💀
The song sounds sad, the lyrics are furious.
BYLER Hints?
Just trolled a transphobe lol
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What are men’s thoughts on women wearing makeup or not? What is more attractive?
Has anyone else noticed this?
Legit soprano erasure
What Taylor song SOUNDS the most SAD but has FURIOUS LYRICS?
Are you planning on rewatching the show?
What’s Olivia’s most majestic song?
Are any of the writers queer?
Mrs. Wheeler's romance novel cover was apparently photoshopped to look like Billy.
Who's the favorite character in the show?
Rank from fav to least season