Need personal stories! male vs female HCM
How is anyone supposed to get any work done?
Pattern for self-stripe yarn—not vanilla?
ISO ColourMart yarns?
Ancient Arts, Flock Fibre Studio
What litter are we all using????
Snail has been gone for 13 months and we miss him every day. Any other furless babies know tricks?
Tripping and falling on my face every 20 seconds, do I look like a joke to this game?
Iowa Dobermann "breeder" has 59 dogs seized after deplorable conditions found at his kennel. Topical question: Are strict regulations needed for dog breeders? Is the situation with bad breeders at the point where strong government intervention and controls are called for?
How do you keep your cats indoors?
My new baby who is obsessed with licking my face.
Docs, nurses, EMTs of reddit, whats something people you see say “i bet you’ve never seen this” about, and u gotta be like “nah actually it happens like all the time”?
Is all your knitting covered in cat hair?
This is not what the pet cremation service promised us.
Tiddles found her stash
Will English be important for kindergartners to be friends?
Thought there was something wrong with my phone for a sec.
Umbilical Hernia Concerns
Shops that offer ball winding?
Had to order a muzzle today
Say a Prayer for my little girl🙏🏻
I just found out that they are supposed to use anesthesia for a procedure I had done to me in the ER
My bf’s allergy test. Tested for 72 things, allergic to 70.
Market at Malta socks
What should I ask my groomer for next time?