Has it ever existed a more morally righteous and hypocritical fandom than the HotD-one?
What was Rhaenys even trying to encourage here? For Alicent to take the throne herself? For her to let her son get executed as a traitor in the name of feminism? Did Rhaenys just arrive at Westeros yesterday?? Just because you use flowery words it doesn't mean the dialogue is good
Just because she hates one woman, it doesn't mean she hates ALL women - by that logic, all of you Alicent haters are sexist too
Says the team whose sole claim to the throne is, "Because Daddy said so"
I really hope she doesn't actually believe the things she's forced to sell
why would they compare real people to a tv show???
Who do you guys think, out of Aegon, Aemond, Helaena and Book Daeron, was Alicent Hightower's favourite child? We're only talking about the real Alicent, either from S1 or from the books, we disregard the traitor
TG, unlike the most vocal TB fans, are capable of enjoying and rooting for characters that aren't actually 100% saints
I don't know about you guys, but if HoTD had portrayed Rhaenyra true to the books, as a Cersei-like queen with both strengths and flaws, we would've actually LIKED the Realm's Delight, just like we enjoy watching TG members. It's not sexism on our part, it's just bad writing
ASOIAF: A complex, grimdark world subverting fantasy tropes and offering three-dimensional characters, themes and symbolism (vs) HOTD: oMg wHiTe StAg OnLy CoMeS tO oUr TrUe QuEeN
Flawed as they may be alone, the Targtower siblings could really make one great King together. Aegon as the figurehead, the charisma and sheer determination; Aemond as the warrior and leader; Helaena as the conscience; Daeron as the knight, the smallfolk's Prince Charming
The writers added this scene because they hate Aegon, and it SHOWS. Imagine having your most ambitious prince with the most loyalty to his family weaken his side by burning his brother the King AND a battle-ready dragon...for the sake of humiliating a character you hate
Rewriting Alicent Hightower
Even if the writers hated Alicent and wanted to make the fandom turn against her, they could've done it in a much more graceful way
HOT TAKE: Daemon never truly "loved" Rhaenyra, he loved her similarities to him. He groomed her to be a female version of him, rebellious with a disregard for consequences, but when she showed signs of maturity, when she no longer fit that image, he started to resent her
Why were the writers so afraid of writing another Cersei? It amuses me how TB keeps comparing Alicent to Cersei as if that were an insult. Maybe the writers worried that if Olivia Cooke were able to portray a Cersei, her character would be 10000000x times more entertaining than the flawless Rhaenyra
TB says "Targtower" like an insult, as if Oldtown weren't the literal Westerosi version of Oxbridge, AND the largest and richest city (as stated by AWOIAF), whereas the Targaryens were nothing but beggars by the end of Robert's Rebellion
It's hypocritical to blame Alicent for starting a war so her son could get his rightful inheritance when Rhaenyra started a succession crisis and insulted an entire noble family so she could give HER sons something that doesn't even belong to them
I don't understand "Daemyra" as a ship - it's basically like if Aemond married Jaehaera, only with an even bigger age gap
What would Aemond be like if he never lost his eye? Would he be even better in combat without impaired vision? Or would he less driven without the vengeance, and become complacent like Aegon / more dutiful & decent like Daeron?
It baffles me the way the writers act as if ending Season 2 on that Dragonstone scene is sth super artistic and brave, sth to "make the audience feel". Guess what, the audience did FEEL - and it was contempt and disgust. If you want true character-based scenes, rewatch GoT Cersei, Jaime or Tywin
Is it just me who finds Olivia Cooke's acting really charming in scenes when Alicent lets her guard down? The smile, hands behind her back, the rare moments when she doesn't have to play the perfect, cunning Green Queen. It reminds us of just how young she truly was when she was forced into the game
The Jaime Lannister of HotD - I hate how badly the writers BUTCHERED his arc. We should've gotten more than these tiny tidbits - moments where Criston jokes around with Aegon, lets Aemond crawl into his chambers when he has nightmares of Driftmark, or threatens anyone who dares insult the queen
Does anyone else have this crack headcanon?