Any place for 1-hour or quick disposable camera photos?
I used to be a very horrible person in the past and the guilt is eating me up what should I do?
Travelling with seniors
Yosemite with an elderly group
Geminins, do you think that Donald Trump represents well the traits of your sign? And if yes, are you positive or negative about it?
Who are the best liars of the zodiac?
Do you discard makeup if it has passed the expiry date?
I can’t stop thinking about someone and I desperately want to!
I'm a mom and have a question..
I’m a little convinced that this franchise has the worst “husbands/partners”
Some of the most painful Chiron placements in my opinion
What sign?
The signs as couples
Accidental mirror gazing
Is dark romance the most popular
Who are the Gods/Goddesses of gossip? 🙊
I cannot STAND Gizelle!
what is everyone’s rising sign and chart ruler?
Some birth chart placements that CAN make you feel like an outcast, black sheep, or misunderstood
Sign that you hate + your psychoanalysis of them
❄️ Thoughts on this eyeshadow palette? ❄️
Tell me what your parent’s signs are and how they are as parents.
As per your Sun sign, which neighbor signs do you prefer more and less? and why? Like does a Leo prefer a Cancer or Virgo more than the other?
Any other signs that can relate