Am I having deja vu or do they say this every week before a new episode?
I will no longer be believing anything VoiceOldtownYT has to say about these episodes lol.
HOTD Interview with young Laenor Velaryon's actor Theo Nate
Gavin Spokes Interview
Jace in the post fight press conference: "If Daemon didn‘t come in, I would‘ve fucked him up."
Larys Strong looking at Alicent like:
Cast photo from the premiere episode. What a great cast this has been so far, we're lucky to have them!
House of the Dragon Actor Interview
Boremund Baratheon Interview
Your Favorite Episode so Far 🏰
You can choose ONLY ONE !
Ser Crispon every 5 minutes:
rhaenyra and sir cole >>>>>> i know he’s too low titled but it’ll definitely work out or he’ll die, it’s how fiction always goes
The Crabfeeder:
WTF is former Chelsea and Manchester United coach Jose Mourinho doing in HOTD?
*Daemon thinks he won the Tourney* - Ser Criston Cole:
Me on the next 10 sundays
Can we just talk about how great of a promo video this was. It has the spectacle, political intrigue, and the dragons. What was your favorite part?
Fixed it so that you can get a sense of scale now
This is so stupid but I had to make this
New still of Alicent Hightower
Seated for the premiere!
I know every scene and music frame by frame 😞
Wake The Dragon - Website Promo & Information
Ramin Djawadi