Italians be crying
Why is "purtroppo" the hardest word in the world to pronounce
Almost resigned in this position... thought it was over
can someone please translate this 3 second audio to english
Una domanda interessante, penso
What "well" is bro talking about?
First Iron Hands game went well
What’s the difference between canzone and brano?
Ne va la dignità della Corona
Let's talk stereotypes! 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹 Italy 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
hai vs ha vs avete
New Isaac tattoos!! what are we thinking?
If you like anime, you have to watch it in Italian
What’s wrong with my strings?
Cosa significa "non" in questa frase
Give me some hot takes and I'll rank them tomorrow
Aprende español a cambio de italiano
why does this game insist doing this to me
How do I say this in Italian?
What's your method to shock the natives properly?
Does anyone have one of O’saa zerking off?
Exercise for beginners: I took a knight on g3. Why did my opponent resign? Should they have played on?
reflexive veebs
Name this country. The top-voted comment wins this round.
"Beccare" i genitori che fanno sesso