My name is Coo
Still don't know what Ray tracing looks like
How do they get keys for this stuff? Stolen?
What font is close to this one shown?
When will allotments based on JEE mains first shift be announced? Or should we wait till KCET and Second shift is also complete?
If you had to dedicate your whole life to listening to one album, what would you choose?
Best way to get water? I'm at MV-HV
This picture should represent OnePlus quality control
"You're mad, it's excessive, you're never going to use all those!"
Need help with font name or just the text on the tag🙏 thank u sm
In your Opinion, Which game is it?
Not used to having this many inked at once. It’s stressing me out. Even though I rotate through them none of them are even close to being empty. How many pens do you keep inked?
Can you guys help me indentify this font please?
I think it's not real cow dung because this can't be possible.
Class 12 physics lag gaye guru
Where's the boss log ?
How I experienced divinity
Can the velocity of an image produced by a plane mirror be greater than that of light?
Finished another custom pen
Interesting furniture
Is this housing good enough?
is it possible to clean mold from an ink?
Why did they get rid of this (available in OP6) in the new OoS? I can't listen to music on any other device now because this sound enhancement sounds so far better than anything I've tried on OoS15