Men of reddit, how many push ups can you do?
Men who sleep naked, why?
Is this word used in russian? just curious
Real stalkers who will explore abandoned places, what are the most unusual places you have found and what shocked you the most in these places?
What is the scariest thing that you saw from the window of your house or apartment?
I am a nude Photographer - Ask me Anything
Are you all right? How is your life?
If you were walking with me and we found $100k, where would you spend your $50?😄
Have you ever had situations in which you accidentally showed yourself cool, and then, realizing it, continued to behave the same way.How did this situation end?
Bilingual Redditors, what expression in your language is almost impossible to translate into English?
What is the most embarrassing situation that has happened to you on public transport?
I hope humans never, ever discover extraterrestrial life.
Users reddit whether there have been such situations in your life after which you thought. Shit, everything happens, but was it like a sign from God?
How do you think you're going to die?
I fixed Speeds nose. (No offense)
People who've found relatives on p0rn sites, what happened?
When have you seen someone be “That guy”?
What's the most disturbing fact you know about pets?
No questions asked, who is the greatest rapper of all time?
What is the first thing when you think about: BRAZIL?
Songs used in ads get stuck in my head more than songs I intentionally listen to. Probably the repitition
If I take a charging port from an iPhone and wire it into my veins with needles or somthing and plug a charger in would I like become more energized? Or like idk die I suppose??? Asking for a friend..
If you cross a mosquito and a fly, will there be a creature that buzzes loudly and bites in addition?
Why do humans wear socks?
Guys, imagine that you are the last male person on earth, women will still remain, what will you do?