What did ALL your LOs have in common? What were your triggers for becoming limerent?
Hobbies to replace Limerence
Realised why I had such low self esteem -- I allowed everyone to overstep my boundaries and I didn't truly know what boundaries were etc.
Having a partner who isn’t that emotionally intelligent
When your boyfriend watches p*rn does it mean your not good enough ? I need male perspective
Some men seem to be so selfish.
First day on Meds!!
They don’t like you
I keep feeling like I want to hook up with my LO.. even though I don’t actually like him romantically and he grosses me out…
After blocking my LO, he’s stopped posting on social media, almost completely? Have I hurt him?
How do narcs react when they’ve realised their manipulation no longer works on you?
What are some of the most ridiculously normal things your parents have judged you for?
Were you allowed to be angry as a kid? Or show any emotions at all?
Did you get bullied as a kid or seen as *weird*?
Narc parents being nice to me suddenly?
Should you go no contact with a LO forever?
Is it true that the scapegoat in a narcissistic family is *usually* the most emotionally functional member?
Why do they treat you like you're helpless but expect you to be independent and successful?
Did you guys ever thought of being an orphan is much better than having this kind of parent's?
Can you heal from a narcissist whilst still living with them?
How do I go about leaving my Narc Parents house?
Do you believe that being raised by Narcs is the hardest thing we will ever go through? Therefore we are tougher/more resilient?
Can overt narcissists seem more empathetic than covert/vulnerable narcissists?
Are more “severe” narcissists happier or actually more miserable? (The way they outwardly look — I assume all narcissists ARE miserable on the outside?)
Getting medication FINALLY today! YAAAAAY!