What home improvement can you do for 1-4k?
today's work outfit :)
What is the one word that you always find difficult to pronounce ?
What "types" of people do you secretly judge or dislike?
My grandparents were reunited today
My Pops passed away yesterday. My mom found his 2nd - 3rd grade report card
My great grandparents and their 14 children
I hate people who say sammich
Toddler is destructive and at my wits end.
The full moon has nothing to do with your students' behaviors. Please stop saying that.
What's a small display of affection you wish you received more?
I feel so embarrassed because I refuse to drive highways and drive only backroads.
That's a great mom
Cupcakes and cakes in the valley?
Who wrote these two songs and why didn’t they….
Men, what are the real keys to a woman’s heart?
Bed-time book/series to read to an 8 year old? Just finished The Hobbit
I messed up yesterday
Should Teachers Be Given More Prep Time?
Best Kid Party
Teacher Swap Day
Middle school girl told me “I hope your baby dies”
Was there ever a time when you felt that you had to give up on a kid?
Luke Bryan
Bathroom DIY Reno. So happy!