This dude always in the hills 🤣
Well that was a fucking lie….
Damn its been 7 years….
Jaden and Sab breaking up was so Jaden could feel musically inspired again cuh i aint ever seen him this consistent before 😂
ERYS IS COMING!!!!!! 😭🙏🔥
Its nice to hear ERYS rap again its been awhile 😌🔥
Dis Ni**a high as shit 😭💀
Anyone else find Ninety- electric ending eerie?
What’s this song called??
Most underrated song off this album?
Rainbow tapes and EBFY the same year ? 🌈😈 we might have at least 1 EP this year I think
I get chills when the crowd says “law” in unison 🔥🔥🔥😮💨 (i do not own this footage)