How safe is it to go to the USA?
As a legal immigrant, what are my rights should I or my family be detained?
Why do they want to live in this horrible country
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Now that Trump supports h-1b visas, who is in charge of the most anti immigration faction of the Republican party?
A do e blinit nje film shqiptar te restauruar ne 4k per 100lek/1€??
Gay të martuar
I'm a Venezuelan who was in today's protests against the regime, AMA.
I lost my wife of 25 years yesterday morning from a cardiac arrest. She was 53. AMA
Why is Obama talking to Hitler?
Americans who voted for Trump or didn't vote are culpable for what happens next
Mexico’s president calls for parts of US in California and Texas to be renamed ‘Mexican America,’ per FT
Why is everyone taking this Canada annexation thing by Trump seriously?
Parents shouldn't expect older siblings to help take care of the younger ones
AITA for refusing to take in my orphaned nephew and 'abandoning' my family?
Celiac girl in Tirana, help
Sa do kthehen?
Political leaning of Dreamers
Known sex trafficker, Mark Zuckerberg...
What’s happening
I don’t think my baby is cute at all
Pyetje për shqiptarët në USA dhe sidomos ata që janë Trump supporter
Illegal aliens get driver license in MD?
Muslim rape gangs targeted tens of 1000s of poor white girls as authorities ran cover