Characters who get injured constantly but always manage to survive
Favorite character with a number in their name
Favorite character that you have a simp card for?
Favorite character that's a virgin
You're given the opportunity to change the battles of the Tournament of Power (Anime and Manga), what would you change?
Man, the story’s getting intense
Favorite purely good character?
(Wholesome tropes) Characters who befriend someone for selfish reasons, only to learn to care about them later
Favorite character who has used this move?
Very Dorky Heroes
What would your favorite Character’s Pokemon typing be? (Doesn’t have to be a duel typing)
Your birth month is the character you must spend 24 hours locked in a room with
Pregnant women who go through hell
Favorite main character love intrest?
Favorite character who would be shoved in a locker
Favorite Character with an I Want song?
Non canon arc so good, People thinks it's Canon.
Characters who appear as thugs or delinquents but are in actuality absolute sweethearts
Strange question but what do you think each of the girls smells like?
Creatures that function like zombies, but aren't
Favorite quote from a character you quote a lot
Favorite character who rules the country of Latveria?
Type "that spy is a" and let ur keyboard finish the sentence
Favorite attractive anime female character?