🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I think times are getting really tough for the TSN guys🤣🤣🤣 they’re begging for two dollars super stickers
The only reason these two are on the show is so people superchat about Boobs. Its getting to Stuttering John level of pathetic.
Shuli calls Kevin Brennan antisemitic, as renowned antisemite Anthony Cumia sits in on his show
Shuli: “I didn’t tell Bob to fake-laugh, I told him to pay attention” 🤔
This may be Cumia’s last TSN appearance
KB revisits Shuli’s ISO revelation
John is legit one of the accidentally funniest people; Howard was so right.
Shuli can’t be serious ?
MLC last night was great!
Kevin Brennan, Rob Saul and Nasty Meal make fun of Shuli, Producer Joe and TSN
Does the Sandusky network have private recording tapes of Anthony Cumia? Some podcasts are wondering what the connection is?
Ray DeVito trashes and body shames Silent Mike Morse
Is FKA Mami's 15 minutes over?
Finally, a bottom half view of what Pat Dixon eats out.
This 77 year old man knocked out Shuli’s producer with one punch
✂️ This pathetic deadbeat really thought some young hottie was into him. I love how easy it was for KM to fool him. FALLING IN LOVE? PATHETIC!
obnoxious John dares anybody to say something negative in the TSN chat. For they will be blocked as soon as they do!
How could’ve John I’ve known the future future is he Nostradamus?
I don’t watch KB. He’s annoying AF. I did watch the Auntie Karen show on TSN today and
✂️ Ronnie's wedding dis invite to John was fantastic. How pathetic u r John? Too bad you used and abused your coworkers at the Stern Show.
Shuli claims he maintains a great relationship with Gary Dell'Abate & his other former Howard Stern coworkers, and keeps in contact with them regularly.
Soul Patch Silent Mike
Some paid $200 to say this
SJ getting very emotional over a video that was shot right in the middle of the Biden administration (watch till the end).
MLC: Kiki talks Jason Szkup and fights with Stevie Lew