H: F40+3s pounders auto axe W: Throw me offers
It’s time to pick an MOS
In Texas
[XB1] Forest Scout Armor Mask Giveaway
Got speeding ticket while home on RA how fucked am I?
A couple questions
Graduated boot 8 hours ago. Ask away
List of MOSs
Was this a mistake
Am I actually fucked
at my mos school ask me questions
Final questions?
Comms school?
Enlisting need to get my weight down
Is it true that medical gives you an anti test shot?
Rifle number 10755198
Boots and utes in public
Is there really a difference between recruit training battalions?
Just graduated bootcamp if anybody has any questions let me know
See you guys in 13 weeks
H: this ex legacy back with explosive W: you to know how happy I am to have my favourite legacy from back in the day back still packs a punch with the beam focuser on
June 10 shippers how you feeling? What you guy’s planning on doing?
Financial advice
Dog appears to have myiasis
My dog is super sick