Anyone else love mercury retrograde?
Scorpio was voted as the most controlling Zodiac sign, and Libra was voted as the least. Next: Which sign is the most Loyal, and which is the least?
Secrets Santa
What tv show characters would you say are 1000% virgo?
Fictional Geminis
What aspect out of these determines relationship trauma? Abusive marriage at 18, divorced married and divorced and married. What’s causing this? What is there to be learned?
Do you do this...?😀
What is y'all's relationship to music?
Do you ever watch a TV show and immediately diagnose what the character’s sun and moon are?
Fire suns with Fire moons vs Fire suns with Water moons
Which one of you is this?
which venus+moon combo is dis??????
Idk what I’m doing venting here but anyone else had a Shane type ex? Support group form below please😭
the men of the zodiac ❤️
Facts - you don’t want that
Sign that loses interest in people the fastest?
Fishing Supremacy
Which sign is this?
Leo Sun/Virgo Venus Block me after sexual turnoff
If Venus represents attraction and our own ideal of beauty, should we act, dress and be more like our Venus sign if we want feel attractive?
Capricorn moon + fire Venus
What advice would you give to Pisces men who want to improve?
Leos, what is that one sign you would avoid at all costs ?