[US,US] (H)Binder (W) Wantlist/PayPal G&S
[US, US] [H] Modern IR/SIR/Fullarts + 151 Hits, Modern/Vintage Slabs, Flareon GS PSA 4, 151 Bundles, Stellar Crown BB, Binder Cards [W] PPGS, Gold Star trade, EX era slabs, Sun/Moon BB, specific cards.
[US, US] [H] My Collection - SWSH/SV Hits, various older cards (DP/BW/XY/SM), and some Vintage [W] Paypal
[US, US] [H] Vintage bulk, modern playables, PSA slab [W] Trades: Cards for 151 master set, Jungle master set, Sprigatito cards, ENG/JPN IRs/SIRs
[US,US] (H) Trades, PayPal, gold star gyarados, LC reverses, PC eevee (W) Huge wantlist, trades, to look at your binders, shiny treasure pikachu and kadabra, NM umbreon prime
(US, US) [H] Binder [W] 90-95% PayPal, Trades
[US, US] [H] JPN AR + Eng Binder, Low Slabbies, Bulk for your Master Sets [W] Binders, Wantlist, Maybe PP
The bittersweet moment of pulling the card you just bought last week after a year of chasing
[US,US][H] Binder [W] Wantlist, PPFF
Unpopular opinion: Crag kids are often worse than crag dogs.
[US,US] [H] Vintage English PSA Slabs / Random Vintage/Modern Singles / Paypal [W] Vintage PSA/Raw Singles from Want List or PAYPAL
Is this package a decent value?
[US, US] [H] Trade Binder [W] Growing Wantlist/Trades!
[US,US] [H] LCRH, 151 hits, Pokemon soulsilver big box CIB, Pokemon Colosseum and bonus disc [W] PayPal, maybe trades for certain pokemon CIB and consoles
[US, US] [H] 78% complete JPN 151 binder [W] Charizard 199 SIR from English 151
[US,US] [H] ~90% Modern and Vintage Hits Trade Binder, Slabs, Sealed, 70% Binder, HUGE 80% mid era/vintage binder, [W] PP, Wantlist, Trades at 85%
No kidding...
[US, US] [H] Slabs, SwSh and SV era singles, English and Japanese [W] PayPal G&S
[US,US] [H] Binder, 151 pidgey playstamp promo, sealed packs including prize series, base set 1st ed Gyarados slab [W] Binders, oversleeves, wantlist
[US, US] [H]Singles, Modern Hits [W]Mostly Trades, PayPal
[US,US] [H] Wartortle 171/165, Leafeon 005/131 Pokeball, Buneary 083/131 Masterball and others [W] Charmeleon 169/165, Trades, PayPal
[US,LA][H]Slabs, Modern and Vintage hits. Errors. Trades. [W] PP, Wishlist, Binders/Trades. Will also look at Yu-Gi-Oh
[US, US] [H] modern singles, vintage singles, slab [W] Trades
[US, US] [H] BS BB, Slabs, Trade Binder, 151/PF RH , Paypal [W] OBF PC ETB, Wantlist, Paypal