How did yall get through your first kiss?
What is the real reason people can't handle money?
What do you guys think is a right age to get married?
What is keeping you up tonight?
Why would someone humbly beg others for money?
When you are upset, what do you do to relax yourself?
What is an absolute relationship deal breaker for you?
People who broke up: What do you know about your ex's life after your breakup?
How do you make your girlfriend happy?
What's something you want someone to craft or see made?
Have you ever been to college? What is college like?
How do you get over someone you love?
What do you think is the purpose of your life?
What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
What's the weirdest dream you've had?
What are signs a business is failing?
What’s the brokest you’ve ever been?
What is the happiest thing that happened to you these days?
What makes you sleep peacefully?
What are your annoying roommate stories?
What are some things that you want to achieve in life?