whats the best freaking zone in a mmo?
Why is this photo prop from season 3 so, so bad?
I am seriously craving a Star Wars MMO
New player experience is ATROCIOUS
My problem with tanks
What's up with this pole? (Carrie Page's house, FWWM trailer park, Fireman's vision to Andy)
Haven’t touched this game since launch, is it worth playing?
I’m not sure if this is how I should use it
I'm tired of people acting like healers/tanks do no wrong.
Rock 105.1… what happened?
Which game has a tedious start,but later becomes great?
I'm just going to be honest here... Most of you are awful at DPS.
MMORPGs are difficult to get into these days.
Anybody else waiting for the Bucky nerf?
What is going on? (S3)
What fictional Universe do you want a MMO for, that hasn’t already had one?
What is Everyone thoughts on FELLOWSHIP
Is wearing something like this cringy or kinda cool? Thoughts
What are some action movies like The Raid (2011) - where 'once the action starts, it does not stop'
3rd playthrough while waiting for DS2. This moment still hits
I can’t be the only one that thinks Bucky is way to strong
What is a truly terrible movie by a truly great filmmaker?
Doing my first playthrough since release with the directors cut
What is the worst plot twist you've ever seen in a movie?