Whats a good price to sell this wooly rhino schottii 2 ft cutting at?
Dr. Funk 30$
Process video of me moulding my Dioscorea Elephantipes and making a wax.
Neobuxbaumia inermis superficially damaged. 60
Varie Ario with damage! 35 chipped
Dendrocereus nudiflorus first offering 100 chipped
[Chinese > English] What are they trying to warn me about?
Lophocereus schottii ‘Jim’s Giant’
Is this San Pedro?
Gymnocalycium Michanovichii Crestata
Thick Frankie tips and mids $17 each
GIVEAWAY: Hulk Balls
What kind of cactus is this? Is it healthy?
Variegated Pilosocereus Gounellei I got from Home Depot a long while ago.
Aztekium chimera 50$ chipped
Pilosocereus caatingaacola highly variegated. 150$ shipped. Rooted. Not grafted
Rebutia Krainziana Inermis 65$ shipped.
Let’s trade ! I got this killer Dr . Funk on scop ! What you got ! HMU
Echinopsis Var Stoneification variation cactus (randomly shaped)
Crested mytrillo. 25 plus shipping! Zelle or cashapp only.
Sowed some Pseudobombax ellipticum seeds, might have germinated a bit too well
cleistocactus strausii
Eulychnia Castanea seedling $30 + 🚢