Cyberboss should really let you choose which champions is the Cyberboss
Advice on Room Hunting in Frankfurt for a 6-Month Internship
What decides which unit is given the anomaly if you field two of the same unit?
I really can't win with chembaron😢
Failed Mageblood Valdo map...
How To Get Good At Building Factories and Other Cool Stuff? [Asking For Tips]
Where actually is PBE physically?
Is It CurseForge a good ModPacks Launcher?
I made a wood farm, but I have a question
How to create gangway passage between train cars?
I know, i cant use it for much, but its a neat decorating block
Making a create oneblock modpack, whats a good end goal?
My best friend is becoming more and more right wing, what can I do?
Einzelhandel auf Berger Straße in Frankfurt: Mit den Mieten steigen die Probleme
(PBE Set14) You can get Gold for dummies and another dummy on 2-1
New player thinkin of a way for infinite lava
My first game of pbe and it was a chaos with urgot 3*
I think i have just made the most inefficient andesite farm in the history of the create mod
10g vs 30g
Is it missing something?
Okay, I am definitely the issue… (it happened again)
Silver Spoon - Augment Discussion #99
Though its nothing new or special I have made my own (probably most efficient) design of an Iron farm, it probably produces maybe ~43-30 iron/hour. I give myself maybe an 8/10
Would anyone know why this is not producing a lot of iron? it just seems weirdly slow
Dude got triple Crown close to 10 rounds ago and got 3rd place.