Wes with his opinion of the day
Shalpha Eevee Time!
What do you think is the hardest part about being a man when it comes to emotions?
How long does a lawyer take to prepare documents?
Favorite April Kepner Moment?
Dogs playing together advice
How to deal with friends of different political opinion
What do you wish your dad would’ve done more for you growing up ?
What's something you hated as a child, which you have grown to love tremendously?
Married/Partnered Straight Men: How does your wife react to you getting hit on?
What game first comes to mind when you see this?
Canadian here., why can't Trump be impeached?
Does anyone else's cat love phones?
Is BDSP worth getting in 2025?
What is something you dislike about being a dude
Judge my tier list
Men of Reddit. What is your craziest experience (so much that people refuse to believe that it actually happened) ?
The best quote you know, how has it helped you?
Who's yall favourite protagonist I'll go first
How do most straight men feel about gay men?
What’s your experience with a friend admitting they like you, but you don’t reciprocate?
When was the last time you were genuinely happy?
What was your college experience like? Do you think it was worth it for you in the long run?
Men of Reddit, why don’t we ever take pictures / videos of anything?